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Hot key words:Box substation,Dry type transformer
Hunan Kaite Power Technology Co, Ltd.
Aftermarket hotline:0730-2332889
CEO Mr Zhang:13807408079
CFO Mr Yang:13874055777
Contact Address:Wenxing Town Industrial Park, Xiangyin County,Yueyang,Hunan Province,China 

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Intelligent power transformer

author: Baidu Wenku source: Baidu Wenku
  Intelligentization requires multiple technology integration Transformer intelligence involves various technologies, including sensor technology, integration technology, online monitoring technology, and information technology. According to the requirements of the intelligent transformer, various parameters of the transformer need to be measured, so it is necessary to develop a variety of more advanced sensors. At the same time, sensors and transformers need to be integrated. The smart components of each function also need to be integrated under the premise of safety and reliability to reduce the area and project cost. The premise of the intelligentization of the transformer is to realize the on-line monitoring of the operating status. Therefore, the on-line monitoring technology needs to be researched to ensure that various state parameters can be stably measured online. In addition, condition monitoring, self-diagnosis and control of smart transformers require a lot of information to process. Therefore, information technology research is needed to ensure that these massive data can be processed according to requirements and realize transformer intelligence. Transformer intelligence should have the following characteristics: Digital measurement. Local digital measurement of the relevant parameters of the transformer and its components, the measurement results can be sent to the station control layer network or the process layer network as required for the operation and control of the transformer;
Hunan Kate Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd.,Box substation,Dry type transformer
Copyright:Hunan Kaite Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd.
Technical support:JING WANG ZHI YING Inspection of business license 


Hunan Kaite Power Technology Co, Ltd.
Aftermarket hotline:0730-2332889
CEO Mr Zhang:13807408079
CFO Mr Yang:13874055777
Contact Address:Wenxing Town Industrial Park, Xiangyin County,Yueyang,Hunan Province,China 

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